Es ist soweit und – passend zum Erscheinen des zweiten Bandes des Juwels – habe ich endlich die Chance bekommen Amy Ewing zu interviewen! Vor einem Jahr habe ich sie das erste Mal angeschrieben und gefragt und nun hat es endlich geklappt! Das Interview ist komplett auf Englisch, ich wünsche euch aber ganz viel Spaß beim Lesen!
AMY EWING ist in einer Kleinstadt in der Nähe von Boston aufgewachsen
und hat in New York Kreatives Schreiben studiert. Die Autorin wohnt im
New Yorker Stadtteil Harlem und verbringt ihre Zeit mit Schreiben, Käse
essen und gelegentlichem Schauen von »Vampire Diaries«-Folgen. Der erste
Band ihrer Trilogie ›Das Juwel‹ war gleich ein SPIEGEL-Bestseller.
that you want to become an author and why?
I never imagined myself writing as a career—I always wanted to be an actor
growing up and that’s what I studied in school. But acting didn’t work out for
me and when I got laid off from my job when the economy collapsed in 2008, I
had a lot of time to think about what I wanted to do. So I decided to try my
hand at a YA fantasy book, and then I got accepted to graduate school and the
rest is history! I love telling stories and making up worlds and living in my
imaginary friends’ heads.
I think I’m a pretty positive, optimistic
person. I like to laugh, I like to have fun. Which is definitely at odds with
all the darkness in my stories! Maybe that’s how I balance myself.
what are you doing if you’ve got an idea for a story? Are you planning
everything in detail or are you writing until there’s an end?
Inspiration comes anywhere, at any time—there’s
no rhyme or reason to it. THE JEWEL came from an action movie. My next series
came from a writing exercise I had to do for a panel I was on. You never know
when the next idea will strike. As far as planning, I wish I could say I
outline everything down to the last detail but the truth is I love wading
through a story and discovering things as I go. Many times the characters will
direct me and often surprise me as I write.
and the places like The Jewel, the swamp and so on?
I knew I wanted to create a female dominated
society and explore how cruel women can be to their own gender on a fantastical
level. Buying another woman’s body is one of the worst things I could imagine,
and using that body for forced breeding made sense in the world I was
envisioning. As far as how the circles came about, I knew I wanted to create a
self sustaining city. Which would require agriculture, manufacturing, a
merchant class, a ruling class, and a labor class. Thus, the Marsh, the Farm,
the Smoke, the Bank, and the Jewel.
„The Jewel“ – really did something with me. I know that it is one of
my most favourite books and so I would like to know: How did you feel by
writing the book? Was it important for you to use some ‚brutal‘ elements? What
thoughts have been around you and have you ever thought of getting your books
as someone’s favourites?
I’m so happy you like the book! It is every
author’s dream to write someone’s favorite book. Writing is hard and always
comes with its share of self doubt and frustration—I like to say that every
book is its own little beast. But when you finally get to see it in real life
book form, the hard work is so worth it. And even better when you hear someone
has connected with your story and characters! As far as brutal elements, I
think darkness demands to be explored. The world I created was glittering and
luxurious but with this scary underbelly. I like juxtaposing those types of
things. And I think it suits the world.
your favourite and why?
Hahaha, don’t make me choose! I love them all.
But I will say the Duchess, because she is so layered, because you are never
sure if you want to hit her or hug her. She’s not a typical villain—she has a
softness to her sometimes. She was very challenging yet rewarding to write. I’d
love to write her origin story one day, see her growing up as a teen in the
movie? Do you want it to get a movie? Who should play Violet if it happens? And
which other actors would you choose?
I would love for it to be a movie! I do have a
film agent, but nothing is in the works at the moment, sadly. I cannot cast
Violet—I think I am too close to her, there is no one I can imagine playing
her. But the Duchess was always Lucy Liu, from the very beginning. And Ash is
based (physically) on Paul Wesley aka Stefan from the Vampire Diaries! Though
he is probably too old to play Ash now…but still super sexy J
What kind of story would you like to write after „The Jewel“?
Yes, I have a whole new series that will be
coming out in 2018! It’s much more straight fantasy, and more complex—multiple
narrators, multiple settings and cultures, and a whole new brand of magic. It’s
called THE CERULEAN and I could not be more excited for it!!
massive hugs to all my German readers—you guys are the best!
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